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Balanced system in a sentence

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Sentence count:17Posted:2024-04-04Updated:2024-04-04
Similar words: shared systemclosed systemcoupled systemcombined systemgrounded systemdedicated systemdistributed systemcontrolled system
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1) Balanced system of the steel wire rope.
2) I think this is the best and most balanced system.
3) Since Prohibition's repeal, a balanced system of state and federal regulation has evolved to maintain a well-regulated and orderly market for the sale and distribution of alcohol beverages.
4) When carry on fault-tolerant treatment to the balanced system of load based on this algorithm, this paper has backed up redundantly the key equipment namely load balancing device.
5) The exercise helpful to human body's balanced system, the exercise of and the upper part of the body,( system.html) mould perfect physique .
6) Homozygous tetraploid is a relatively balanced system, the continued selection is invalid.
7) In the balanced system in which everything coexists with others, man can never do at his will, though he plays the leading role, for he is grateful to, respect and fear nature.
8) The Sun Blade 8000 modular system provides a balanced system design, featuring AMD Opteron processor blades providing performance while also eliminating I/O bottlenecks.
9) Strengthening the harmonious and balanced system is the important measure and means of improving the ability of the risk precaution of commercial bank.
10) As one component of a delicately balanced system for regulating brain activity, GABA functions to inhibit brain activity.
11) The various techniques within the holistic orientation bear witness that the bodymind is a balanced system of energy.
12) Shanxi new rural cooperative medical system should be a non - balanced system mode.
13) Puti Reno Raudha Thaib, a professor of agriculture at Andalas University in Padang, said that one result of this balanced system is that there is little competition between women and men.
14) There is a more persuasive argument: "Support an effective, balanced system of IP rights because it will help you."
15) In order to simplify controller design of large scale systems, a model reduction method based on internal balanced system is proposed.
16) It causes the imbalance of urban green space system, so that less citizen can benefit from it than a balanced system.
17) And the balance valve which is used in the air conditioning water balanced system, includes static balance valve, dynamic balance valve, different pressure control valve ect.
More similar words: shared systemclosed systemcoupled systemcombined systemgrounded systemdedicated systemdistributed systemcontrolled systemintegrated systemcentralized systemcoordinated systemstandardized systemdecentralized systemknowledge based systembalancedsurveillance systembalance dueimbalancedunbalancedbalanced fundbalanced dietwell balancedwell-balancedbalanced linebalanced budgetbalanced growthbalanced economycounterbalancedend systembalanced development
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